April 2010 - - We now have a permanent meeting location and layout room on Transit Road in Wyoming, New York
June 2010 - - Room renovations well under way
July 10, 2010 - - We set up a display booth of model trains and train history at the Warsaw Alive 1910 - 2010 Festival
August 2010 - - Renovations are nearly complete - and we will soon be pulling our Layouts out of storage and be in full operation once again
September 2010 - - We had a successful Hot Dog Sale Fund raiser in front of the Batavia Wal-Mart 10am - 3pm 9-18-10
September 2010 - - Painting is well under way Apple Creek Blue sky - Granny Smith Green earth - Gray Floors
October 2010 - - We are finishing up the room renovations
November 2010 - - We have pulled the O-Gauge Layout out of storage and begun to reassemble it
December 2010 - - Christmas dinner and party at Cecil Pacioreks Home - Thursday December 16th
January 2011 - - O-Gauge Layout is up and running - making plans for the new HO modular Layout
February 2011 - - Visited Joe Gibsons Home layout - Started building the modular benches for the HO Layout - the current plan calls for a L shaped
layout O-Guage wiring reconnected & most of the lights & action accessories are up & running.
March 2011 - - Finished basic construction on 6 benches for modular HO layout and moved them to the Club room - started painting them
April 2011 - - Setting HO Layout Benches in position and assembled the 6 together - Gary, Dave and Floyd did a presentation on model
Railroading for the residents of the Cloisters in Warsaw
(April 21 dues due and election of Officers at the monthly business meeting)
May 2011 - - 80-90% of the cork is installed on the HO layout - we settle on modeling the mid to late 1950s
June 2011 - - We had a successful Hot Dog Sale Fund raiser in front of the Batavia Wal-Mart 10am - 3pm 6-11-11
Our Club room is now air conditioned!
July 2011 - - We were invited to set up a RR memorabilia display at the "WARSAW ALIVE - PAST and PRESENT" festival
and we had four (4) train layouts running along with other displays. July 16, 2011
We also had another successful Hot Dog Sale Fund raiser in front of the Batavia Wal-Mart 10am - 3pm 7-30-11
August 2011 - - We receive a donation of a 1960 HO layouts rolling stock and buildings from Don Nelson of Warsaw - Thank you Don!
September 2011 - - The O gauge boys considering adding a second yard to their layout
October 2011 - - Work was started on a Entry Porch to the club house -
November 2011 - - We had a Table at the GREAT BATAVIA TRAIN SHOW in the Batavia Gaming Building - ans raffles a Pennsylvania Flyer Train set
December 2011 - - Our Annual Christmas Dinner & Party was held at the home of President Burk - Thanks Dave & Donna!
January 2012 - - The Track on the HO layout is almost all in place - we even ran an DCC engine on a section of it
February 2012 - - The NCE DCC system has been ordered And is now in - Any good electricians out there?
On February 15th members presented a Railroading Program for the residents of the East-side Nursing in Wasaw, NY
March 2012 - - A Warn Welcome to new member Jim Duell
April 2012 - - We have started installing the wiring (Power Buss and track drop wires) on the HO layout the O gauge guys are installing three additional sidings and installing some scenery
May 2012 - - Started work on the 12 foot section of Joe Gibson's HO layout donated to the club - We want to have it running in time for the WARSAW ALIVE festival in July - it needs folding bench work, DCC wiring, track alterations and industries
June 2012 - - Continued working on the Portable layout - We had our first HOT DOG SALE fundraiser in Batavia on June 23
July 2012 - - We set up a RR memorabilia display at the "WARSAW ALIVE" festival and we had four (4) train layouts (including the almost complete portable DCC layout) running along with other displays. July 14, 2012
August 2012 - - We had our second HOT DOG SALE fundraiser in Batavia on August 18
September 2012 - - Work Continues on both the O-gauge and HO gauge layouts
October 2012 - - Three work Nights and one meeting night this month
November 2012 - - We Held our last TRAIN RAFFLE at the Great Batavia Train Show on Nonember 11th - J. Duell of Warsaw won the O-Gauge train set
December 2012 - - We held our annual Christmas Dinner (spouses invited) at the home of Judy & Cecil Gray December 18th. The Club Members also set up a display of several model trains including the POLAR EXPRESS and the Polar Express presentation at the Perry Elementary School.
January 2013 - - The Idea of the Club working with the Boy Scouts on their Model Rail Road Merit Badges was Approved - - We are available for any Boy Scout Troop in the area for Merit Badge work - Send us an e-mail at Jcgray45@frontiernet.net
February 2013 - - The Club approved the purchase of an O-Gauge G&W locomotive for the club layout on February 15 the Locomotive came from the Jim Johnson collection. -- Dates for our 2013 HOT DOG SALES were obtained, they are June 22nd, August 17th and September 14th.
March 2013 - - A Review of the Clubs by-law was ordered with recommendations to be made at the April Meeting. We also added a circuit breaker and two (2) auto reversers to the loops on the HO layout.
April 2013 - - The Model Train presentation at the Eagle Free Library was a success and attended by about 20 people. Offices were elected for the 2013-14 year (Dave Burk-President, Scott Briggs-Vice President, Cecil Pacoirek-Treasurer and Cecil Gray-Secretary)
May 2013 - - the O-gaugers installed three (3) remote uncouplers and are looking for a oil derrick and a sawmill the HO-Gaugers had to rewire all the #8 turnouts to power the frogs in the proper direction.
June 2013 - - Held our first HOT DOG SALE of the season on June 22nd at Wal-Mart Batavia
July 2013 - - No business meeting the month as the Members enjoyed a summer picnic at the home of Floyd Galbraith
August 2013 - - We held our second HOT DOG SALE of the season on August 17th at Wal-Mart Batavia. The O-gauge layout also saw the installation of an oil derrick.
September 2013 - - We held our last HOT DOG SALE of the season on September 14th at Wal-Mart Batavia. All sales were very successful.
April 2014 - - Offices were elected for the 2013-14 year (Dave Burk-President, Scott Briggs-Vice President, Jim Duell-Treasurer and Cecil Gray-Secretary) June 2014 - - Held our first HOT DOG SALE of the season on June 21st at Wal-Mart, Batavia August 2014 - - No business meeting this month as the Members enjoyed a summer picnic at the home of Cecil Gray on the 21st August 23, 2014 - - Second Hot Dog Sale of the season at the Wal-Mart in Batavia September 6, 2014 - - Last Hot Dog Sale of the season at the Wal-Mart in Batavia October 2014 - - Work continues on the O-gauge Layout with the addition of a Diner & continuing construction of a roadway November 2, 2014 - - Several Club Members Car pooled together and attended the Train Show at the NYS Fair Grounds in Syracuse. November 6, 2014 - Several Club members attended a presentation of the DL&W railroad in Livingston County by Tom Roffe November 9 2014 - - members attended the Great Batavia Train Show December 18, 2014 - - Members enjoyed a great Christmas Party at Oatka Village in Warsaw